Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 15: Monday July 16

After a relaxing weekend of doing nothing.......

We learned some interesting things today.

1. Greek orthodox is the oldest form of christianity

2. Greeks believe Tuesdays are unlucky

  • this is because constantinople fell to turks on a tuesday

3. The Evil Eye

  • if you have the evil eye you will have a headache, or feel sick in some way
  • caused by someone talking about you or jealousy
  • to ward off
    • the eye bead seen on bracelets and other jewelry is a form of protection
    • can carry garlic
    • putting ash behind your ears
    • spit three times or perform a hand motion behind your back 3 times

I have an evil eye bracelet that i bought while here and an evil eye anklet; i should be safe...I hope!

We also learned that greek last names mean "son/daughter of ____ "

For example: Constantine Papadakis

  • this would mean Constantine the son of papadakis who was once a priest (papa means priest)
My professor is Maria Hnaraki
  • Maria daughter of Hnaraki who was once a tailor (Hnar means trace--the way tialor trace with chalk the outline of the clothing)

very cool!

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