Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 23: Tuesday July 24

This is our second to last trip day :-(  NOOO!

Today we went to: the monastery of Arkadi, Kournas Lake, Rethymno, and Fodele

Arkadi was a monastery that is known for the monks who, in 1866, lit themselves on fire while in the gunpowder room.
Freedom or death was not just a revolutionary saying to these monks. Once they were surrounded by the Turks, they gathered together to commit suicide.

this is where the monks committed suicide:

It was very intense and sad to realize that so many people died where we were standing...

on a happier note the next stop was Kournas Lake

it was beautiful...but i forgot to take pictures :(

we rented water bikes and biked all around the lake. We all took turns diving and jumping of the bike into the lake, it was pretty cool!

it was the cleanest and clearest lake i have ever swam in! you could see almost all the way to the bottom!

I think that was my favorite stop of the day!

My second favorite would be Fodele, the village where El Greco was born.

Everyone was very hospitable and we had delicious orange juice. We also were shown an original olive oil press (powered by horses) that is still solid and standing 250 years later. The gentleman who showed it to us used to work on it when he was younger as part of the family business.

I also saw the biggest hollow trunked tree ever..........

naturally i had to have a picture IN it.....

it was a fantastic day!

αγαπώ ~

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