Thursday, June 28, 2012

Seattle Part 2

Ladies and Gentlemen.... I go all the way across the country and where do I find myself? 
The library.


Today started off bright and early out the door before 10am! (that's impressive for me)

My packed day included such wonderful stops as: EMP Museum, Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibit, Pike Place Market, the Original Starbucks, and The Seattle Central Library.

NowI'm sure you are all wondering "Why the library??" Here are some reasons:

 Seattle obviously understands people like me with book obsessions just look at this place!!!!

It has 10 floors of library awesomeness.......I even attempted to look down...Yikes! hello vertigo

it gorgeous, spacious, and has great views. Plus I'm being productive and after this post going to be getting the rest (hopefully) of my pre-departure homework done.

In the spirit of of keeping my Studious Sigma title and in the spirit of Hagerty (the library at school).. I shall be here until they come and kick me out. Woo!

Now that I have explained why I ended up here. I shall go through the rest of my exhausting but amazing day in order.

My day started off pretty darn spectacularly!

On my out of the Hostel and off for my jam-packed day, a lady was checking out and handed me the rest of her unused "Seattle City pass". (for those of you who don't know that is  $70 pass that gets you into 6 of the famous seattle attractions. I didn't buy one because there where only 1 thing i was going to do for sure (space needle) and 1 maybe (EMP) in the it wasn't worth it for me.)
So I'm going through the booklet to see whats left and theres an EMP ticket! So that was my first stop

EMP is the Experience Music Project Museum.
    they had some pretty cool exhibits on avatar and horror movies
                             -nirvana and AC DC made an appearance as well

   There was also a sci-fi exhibit...of course I had to go into it and low and behold who makes an appearance but Doctor Who.
                                                      why hello there Dalek!

    they also had an awesome guitar tornado:

they also had this "studio" area where they had real sound-proof "jam rooms" with all different instruments in them. I got to play a gorgeous Fender Starcaster Stratocaster guitar! they had a bucket of picks in the jam room so obviously I had to take one home!

it was a pretty chill place and it was FREE thanks to that lady who gave me her left over tickets :)

Next stop was the Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibit.....out. of. this. world.

                          I am at a loss for words so all these pictures will have to say it for me:
ps. (sorry anybody who wants to go and I'm ruining it for...)

Next up was Pike Place Market and lunch :)

there were a lot of cool fresh food and produce shops with crazy big stuff like this!! 
(Daddy I know you wish you could've got one :( I would mail it but i think it would squish...)

  coolest thing i saw there was this seafood shop:

this was my lunch time view while I had fresh caught cod fish and chips:

afterwards was Original Starbucks time :)

old school!

cute old man really knew how to sing!

so big and spacious inside!

and then I went to the library. which we already covered. :)

Sorry for the enormity of this post!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Stop: Seattle!

I said this adventure would be exciting and the first day did not disappoint.

This morning dad and I made our way to the airport all ready to go, up and ready before 530 should never have to happen. Arrived at the airport smoothly, checked in, sent my baggage off and said goodbyes as I headed into the ever-long security checkpoint.
Here's where the fun begins......
I forgot my phone in the car. Cue panic. I asked the kind lady in front of me in the security line to borrow her phone and she obliged only to find that dad wasn't picking up his phone or mine. I went off in search of a pay phone in hopes that I could place a collect call---apparently cell phones don't do
Than I asked another gentle to borrow his phone and called persistently until dad answered the phone. Explained the this point I have like 20 mins before my plane is scheduled to leave.
Dad races back to the airport dropping off my phone at 6:52 for 7:04 departure.....
I get to the security line and it is the longest line in the history of forever.
I explain my situation to the line guard person and they and a member of TSA pass me through all the little line chords to the front....yup I was that person...
they check my ID and say "Happy Birthday! Let's make your present making sure you get on your plane!" :) how sweet.
I'm through security, find out my gate is of course at the other end of the terminal and I'm running....
get to my gate and my flight was delayed so my getting to the gate at 7:03 didn't matter because we left at 7:45. Cue exhaustion.

In comparison the flight was fairly uneventful. and then we landed.

Hello there home of Christian Grey, the Space Needle, and the Original Starbucks!

1. seattle has MOUNTAINS

2. seattle has TREES...lots of random places

3. seattle was sunny and clear! (this never happens)

As soon as i got back to my Hostel: (looks more like a fancy hotel to me :) )

I put down my bags and went right to the SPACE NEEDLE!
    thought I was going to die of a heart attack but it wasn't so bad :)

Seattle was so happy to see me it not only cleared up the skies but there was a rainbow over the space needle! 

Here is one of the beautiful views:

for proof that I went up and didn't stay on the ground:

As I said, today has been nothing but eventful :)

Now to figure out tonight..... hmmmmm

Friday, June 22, 2012

Prepare to be amazed!

ohkay.... let's not get too excited here...
It is 1 hour and 15mins away from being my 20th birthday. A whole lot of super cool stuff is happening to celebrate it! Like reading 2 books  and 8 articles and writing over 12 essays........oh and this is just the pre-depature homework.
safe to say I will NOT be confusing this awesome study abroad opportunity for merely a vacation as they really just wont let that confusion happen anyway...
But besides the somewhat petulant response I am having to the homework, I am extremely excited, nervous and kinda freaking out a little about this adventure!

Here's a little synposis of what's to come:

  • on June 27th I fly out of Newark Airport at an ungodly hour (thanks for being the one to drop me off daddy <3 ) to Seattle, Washington.

    • Seattle is somewhere I have never been before but I hear is beautiful and I really wanted to go so I will spending two days there on my own
    • I will be traveling 100% on my own, staying in a youth hostel for the first time, and discovering adulthood along the way....maybe. maybe not. :)

  • on June 29th at 4pm I fly from Seattle to's where things get complicated....
    •  I fly from:
      •  Seattle to Vancouver
      • Vancouver to London
      • London to Munich
      • Munich to Heraklion
    • Even more fun? I don't know if my luggage will be booked all the way through so I might have to claim at each of those stops. woo... -_-

  •  from June 29th to July 29th I will be on the beautiful island of Crete!! This is the time I will be in the program doing combination of relaxation and rejuvenation with exhausting school work. Bring. It. On.

  • July 30th to August 4th I will still be in Crete but this is Vacation time with madre (with snippits of projects/papers/ etc. due along the way)

  • on August 4th I fly back to the good- ol' USA but still have Post-Greece project/papers and other homeworks stuffs to be due until August 24th
    • during this time i will also be working--hopefully
That in a nutshell is the next 10 weeks of my life.

adventure is definitely the word for it.

that's it for tonight. good night and good luck ;)

P.s. When this posts itll be more like less than an hour until my birthday
P.p.s. next time I post I will be 20. woo!