Friday, June 22, 2012

Prepare to be amazed!

ohkay.... let's not get too excited here...
It is 1 hour and 15mins away from being my 20th birthday. A whole lot of super cool stuff is happening to celebrate it! Like reading 2 books  and 8 articles and writing over 12 essays........oh and this is just the pre-depature homework.
safe to say I will NOT be confusing this awesome study abroad opportunity for merely a vacation as they really just wont let that confusion happen anyway...
But besides the somewhat petulant response I am having to the homework, I am extremely excited, nervous and kinda freaking out a little about this adventure!

Here's a little synposis of what's to come:

  • on June 27th I fly out of Newark Airport at an ungodly hour (thanks for being the one to drop me off daddy <3 ) to Seattle, Washington.

    • Seattle is somewhere I have never been before but I hear is beautiful and I really wanted to go so I will spending two days there on my own
    • I will be traveling 100% on my own, staying in a youth hostel for the first time, and discovering adulthood along the way....maybe. maybe not. :)

  • on June 29th at 4pm I fly from Seattle to's where things get complicated....
    •  I fly from:
      •  Seattle to Vancouver
      • Vancouver to London
      • London to Munich
      • Munich to Heraklion
    • Even more fun? I don't know if my luggage will be booked all the way through so I might have to claim at each of those stops. woo... -_-

  •  from June 29th to July 29th I will be on the beautiful island of Crete!! This is the time I will be in the program doing combination of relaxation and rejuvenation with exhausting school work. Bring. It. On.

  • July 30th to August 4th I will still be in Crete but this is Vacation time with madre (with snippits of projects/papers/ etc. due along the way)

  • on August 4th I fly back to the good- ol' USA but still have Post-Greece project/papers and other homeworks stuffs to be due until August 24th
    • during this time i will also be working--hopefully
That in a nutshell is the next 10 weeks of my life.

adventure is definitely the word for it.

that's it for tonight. good night and good luck ;)

P.s. When this posts itll be more like less than an hour until my birthday
P.p.s. next time I post I will be 20. woo!

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